Athletes at the Next Level
澳门威尼斯人网上赌场体育学院为我们的许多运动员继续在大学水平上发挥而感到自豪. 我们为所有的学生运动员为下一个水平做好准备而感到自豪. From reinforcing and mastering the fundamentals, fostering a team mentality, to helping them find their identity in Christ.
Michael Lemieux-Bott
迈克尔·莱米厄-博特是一个四年的首发球员,在FA,后卫和近端. 迈克被选为2019年佛罗里达体育教练协会第11区奥兰治和奥西奥拉县队的一线队中后卫. 他在澳门威尼斯人网上赌场的抢断次数排在埃文·汤普森和莱利·托马斯之后,排名第三.
亨利·奥斯塔德入选2018年和2019年最佳阵容四分卫, 以及2018年和2019年佛罗里达体育教练协会一线队. Austad led FA to back to back regional championships. He was a three-year starter, Senior captain, 2019中佛罗里达全明星赛最有价值进攻球员. 在2019年的英足总生涯中,他的成绩是2817次,超过了前第一名的6023次. 他在2019年有29次达阵得分,是英足总职业生涯达阵得分最多的球员.
塞斯·丹尼尔斯 transferred his senior year to Foundation Academy. Seth had a 4.4 speed and lockdown defensive back, he also played receiver at FA. 赛斯作为一名进攻运动员入选了佛罗里达教练协会第11区一队. As well as honorable mention All-State receiver 2019. Seth had 656 yards receiving and 6 touchdowns in 2019.
玛丽亚·金是澳门威尼斯人网上赌场拉拉队的校队联合队长. 她现在就读于阿斯伯里大学,继续她作为啦啦队长的体育生涯.
Andrew Johns
安德鲁·约翰斯目前就读于利伯蒂大学,在那里他是一名长截球员. 安德鲁·约翰斯在狮队打了四年的先发球员,在澳门威尼斯人网上赌场打了两年队长. 作为大三学生, he made the all-state first team as a long snapper, and as a senior, he made the all-state first team at defensive end. Andrew started at linebacker in the Cure Bowl and Shriners all-star game. As a redshirt freshman, Andrew dressed the Cure Bowl here in 奥兰多, where Liberty defeated Georgia Southern.
沃伦·萨普在澳门威尼斯人网上赌场时是三年的先发球员和资深队长. 他在大四的时候以24次的封杀数领跑了整个州,并且以46次的封杀数领跑了整个州. He and his teammate Andrew Johns both tied with 5 sacks in a game vs. Northside Christian. Warren was named first-team for the all-state 2017 and 2018 season. 他还入选了2017-2018赛季佛罗里达运动教练协会的一线防守阵容. Warren started at defensive end in the Central Florida all-star game. 去年,作为一名红衫军新生,沃伦参与了2019年博卡拉顿碗比赛中FAU战胜SMU的比赛.
Joey Fragoso
乔伊·弗拉戈索是澳门威尼斯人网上赌场的两年首发球员,在那里他担任防守后卫和外接手. 他在大四那年有2次拦截,在攻防两端都是一个伟大的击球手. 他作为一名高中生和全明星球员参加了全郡二队. He currently attends Clarke University, where he is playing football.
Ian Fitzpatrick
伊恩·菲茨帕特里克(Ian Fitzpatrick)是刘易斯大学(Lewis University)的大二学生,该校是NCAA二级学校. Ian is currently a member of their Men’s Golf Team.
迪伦帕克 was a senior transfer in 2018. Parker made first-team all-county. He had 16 pancake blocks as a senior. Dylan also started in the Shriners all-star game.
兰斯和他的兄弟莱斯特·艾克森在澳门威尼斯人网上赌场的职业生涯相互呼应. 两兄弟都是防守后卫,有多个一级联赛的邀请. Lester was a senior on the 2016 regional finals team. 那一年,莱斯特入选了佛罗里达体育教练协会的第一阵容和第一阵容的防守后卫. In 2017 brother Lance duplicated his brother’s accomplishments. Both Lester and Lance are now playing for Campbell University.
卢克在参加澳门威尼斯人网上赌场时是两年的先发球员和队长. 卢克在大四的时候是一名最佳阵容后卫,也是一名替补接球手. 卢克也是佛罗里达体育教练协会一线队的防守后卫. 伯克与科里·拉赫曼和格雷森·瓦格纳并列,成为足总杯生涯拦截次数最多的球员.
Connor Carson
康纳在进攻线上打了两年的首发,大四的时候是全县球员. 康纳就读于格林内尔学院,在那里他打过进攻线上的每一个位置. 他在大四那年获得了全县优秀奖,并在全明星赛中首发出场.
埃迪厕所 was a 4-year starter on both sides of the ball while at FA. 卢斯在2016年和2017年被提名为进攻和防守最佳阵容. Eddie was also named as a first-team lineman in 2016, and 2017 for the Florida Athletic Coaches Association. 他是2017年中佛罗里达全明星赛的首发防守前锋. Eddie is now playing for the Morehead State football team.
Evan Thompson
Evan was a four-year starter at Foundation Academy. 埃文在大四那年入选了州一线队,同时也是佛罗里达州体育教练协会一线队的后卫. He started his freshman season at Florida Tech. Evan was third in all-time tackles at FA and second in season tackles. He was first in creating turnovers and played both sides of the ball. 埃文创造了单赛季最长的拦截接球记录在地区半决赛对阵三一基督教队的102码处触地得分. Evan was the 2015 奥兰多 Touchdown Club Player Of The Week recipient. He is currently playing golf at FIT.
科里•拉赫曼 transferred to FA as a junior. 拉赫曼在足总杯的拦截次数与卢克·伯克和格雷森·瓦格纳持平. 2016年,科里入选了州一级安全阵容,2016年入选了佛罗里达州体育教练协会一级安全阵容. 科里•拉赫曼 is currently playing for Southeastern University.
Lester Axson
莱斯特和他的兄弟兰斯·艾克森在澳门威尼斯人网上赌场的职业生涯相互呼应. 两兄弟都是防守后卫,有多个一级联赛的邀请. Lester was a senior on the 2016 regional finals team. 那一年,莱斯特入选了最佳阵容和佛罗里达运动教练协会的防守后卫. In 2017 his brother duplicated his accomplishments. Both Lester and Lance are currently playing at Campbell University.
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